Friday 10 August 2012

A Lot Of Women Get Sick When They Are Pregnant

Being pregnant is one of the most wonderful experiences you'll ever have in your life. There are several steps you can take to ensure that your pregnancy progresses healthily and with less stress. This article will help guide you towards having a healthy and happy pregnancy. Use the following tips to have a happy, healthy pregnancy.

It's important to reduce your caffeine intake or cut it off completely. Caffeine already has its own negative effects on the body, but including it with pregnancy greatly increases the risks for you and the child. For these reasons, you should avoid caffeine while you are pregnant.

Make sure to incorporate a birth plan. Be sure to include your expectations of others while you are in labor. An overnight bag with insurance, camera, birth plan and pre-registration forms needs to be prepared.

Do not change cat litter if you think you are pregnant. The reason to avoid changing cat litter is toxoplasmosis. Cats are considered a host for toxoplasmosis life cycle, and if the infection gets passed on to their fetus, the repercussions for the pregnant woman could lead to birth abnormalities, stillbirth and miscarriages.

There are a world of joys associated with pregnancy, but you don't have to count on heartburn to be on the list. It is possible to eliminate or lessen heartburn by staying away from foods that help cause it. Foods that are spicy, chocolate, and also caffeine can cause heartburn. Eating smaller, frequent meals and chewing thoroughly can help to keep heartburn at a minimum.

When you are pregnant, there are some foods you should stay away from in order to assure you do not harm your baby. Raw seafood, unpasteurized milk and soft cheeses should be on that list.

Pregnancy will change your body for the time being, so why not document those changes through pictures? Many parents often forget about the changes the body went through after the baby is actually born, but a good reminder can mean a lot. The pictures may be of the belly, month by month, depicting the child's growth and ending with birth.

Exercise is important to keeping your body healthy and keeping your weight at proper levels. Just don't over exert yourself. Staying healthy while pregnant reduces the chances of complications and miscarriage.

Don't hesitate to ask others to help with heavy lifting during your pregnancy. Carrying heavy things could cause stress to the baby as well as potentially lead to a miscarriage. In addition to this, you could also injure your back muscles as well. Instead, ask for help when lifting anything remotely heavy.

During pregnancy, you should always ensure that your body is fully supported during sleep. Visit a store which caters to pregnant women, and pick up a body pillow to make your sleep more comfortable. A regular pillow can be used for support if you don't have a pregnancy pillow. It may be a good idea to place a pillow underneath your growing stomach as well as under one of your knees.

Sleeping on the left side of your body is a good idea in your third trimester. This position give your baby the best supply of blood, and increases circulation to your uterus and kidneys. You don't want to rest on your back, because this position doesn't allow for proper blood flow.

If you think that your water may have broken, do not be afraid to call your doctor to make sure. This type of situation is not uncommon. However, if your water truly did break, it is crucial for your baby's health that they are delivered quickly.

You should be able to look at your pregnancy as a joyful time. Use the suggestions offered in the article and enjoy your pregnancy.

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