Thursday, 16 August 2012

Tips For A Healthy And Happy Pregnancy

Since there is so much at stake during pregnancy, it is important that you are educated on the subject. Learning everything you can, whether through friends, family, or articles such as this one, can help ensure you make it through your pregnancy with ease. Here is some helpful advice on pregnancy.

Stretch your muscles before going to bed to minimize cramping. Leg cramps are typically a very common issue when pregnant because of added strain on your muscles. Making sure to stretch your muscles before bed really relaxes them and prevents cramping. Not only will stretching ease your muscles, but it will also help you sleep better.

During the later part of pregnancy, it is best to lie on your left side to sleep. By sleeping on the left side the fetus gets the greatest blood supply, and you also get a good blood flow to the kidneys and uterus. You don't want to rest on your back, because this position doesn't allow for proper blood flow.

Learning to track your menstrual cycles are important if you are looking to conceive. Knowing when you're likely to be ovulating will help you by scheduling the best times to get pregnant. It can also help pinpoint when you actually became pregnant if you have already conceived.

An unfortunate side effect of being pregnant is heartburn. The most sensible way to eliminate heartburn, or reduce the symptoms, is to stay away from certain foods that can cause it. Chocolate, caffeine, and spicy foods can cause your heartburn. Eat several small meals a day, and break them down into small bites, chewing thoroughly before swallowing.

Protein intake is essential for pregnant women. Protein is one of the crucial nutrients for a healthy, unborn child, as well as also being inherently excellent for the mother's well-being. Foods that are high in protein include nuts, legumes, eggs, chicken, hamburger meat, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and tofu.

Many women experience difficulty sleeping during pregnancy. Taking magnesium supplements may help you to relax, and will relieve those leg cramps that could be keeping you up at night.

The truth is that women who are pregnant need to add 300 additions calories daily when they are in their second or third trimester. Additional weight during a pregnancy increases pressure on the spine and the risk of diabetes after delivery. Remember to eat healthy and only eat until you are full to avoid gaining excess weight.

You might want to consider heading to a grocery store when you're done with a meal. Pregnancy is a time when many women have cravings for junk foods. Having a treat once in a while does no one any harm, but you need to ensure the bulk of your diet is made up of healthy, nutritious choices. When grocery shopping on a full stomach, you are more likely to purchase well thought out foods instead of items that appeal to you at the time.

Start prenatal care as soon as you know you're pregnant, before you get pregnant is ideal. Starting prenatal care as soon as possible reduces the risk of a variety of problems with the baby, including prematurity, low birth weight, birth defects, and death.

Pregnancy can intensify the sense of smell, making everyday odors nauseating. If you are sensitive to smells during pregnancy, you can carry a scented handkerchief to counteract the offensive smells. Whenever you encounter an odor that makes you feel nauseous, simply pull the handkerchief from your pocket or purse and press it to your nose.

If you think that your water may have broken, do not be afraid to call your doctor to make sure. This type of situation is not uncommon. However, if your water truly did break, it is crucial for your baby's health that they are delivered quickly.

Be prepared for a wonderful new journey as you nurture your growing baby and await the day you will hold it for the first time. Get help from those you trust, use the medical advice offered and enjoy your days.

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