Friday, 20 July 2012

Choosing A Doctor To See During Your Pregnancy Can Be Hard

A lot of people wonder what do expect during pregnancy, and have a lot of questions about it. The health of the baby should be a priority. The tips laid out here will assist you in taking great care of both you and your unborn child during the pregnancy months.

Keep a diary about your pregnancy. Your child will be able to read your journal some day and know how you felt even before he was born. Keep a detailed description of certain thoughts or events during the pregnancy, included with your ambitions and plans for your child. It will be a wonderful present for your child in the future.

Make sure you are honest with your doctor about the possibility of an STD when you are pregnant. Left unchecked these conditions can cause serious harm to your child. Many tests for sexually transmitted diseases can be done through urine, blood or a pap smear. If you have an STD, a Cesarean-section may be required for your delivery.

Consider hiring the services of a doula. A doula is a woman who specializes in supporting a pregnant mother. A doula is capable of providing advice for emotional concerns, and she may act as a spokesperson to make sure all of you birth requirements are respected.

For pregnant women that are in their 3rd trimester, it is advisable to sleep on their left side. It allows your baby to get the greatest blood supply possible, and also allows optimal blood flow to the uterus and kidneys. Stay off your back if you can help it, because this position can affect circulation in the last trimester.

There is a risk of contracting toxoplasmosis, which can prove harmful to your unborn child. This is a rare occurrence, but better safe than sorry. Have your partner handle the cat litter during your pregnancy.

Bland and low tasting food, such as crackers, are an ideal foodstuff to eat during the day while pregnant. This helps protect against common pregnancy problems like vomiting and nausea. Also, try to stay away from acidy foods and those that are greasy. This can make nausea worse and cause heartburn.

If you haven't announced your pregnancy yet because the right time hasn't come up, you can still avoid drinking without giving hints to the people you know. For example, tell people you're on medication. Many medications interact badly with alcohol, so people readily accept this excuse. Be prepared for people to ask what you're on medication for, though, especially if you say you're on antibiotics. If you really need to pretend, cranberry juice sipped from a wine glass will do the trick. You might have to convince your partner to carry on the charade with you, though. In the end, consider whether being honest is actually the best road to take.

Towards the end of the second trimester, massage your belly on a daily basis. Sit on a bed or couch, and prop yourself up with a few pillows. Use some massaging oil and rub your belly lightly. While you do this, play some relaxing music and take deep breaths. This assists you in relaxing, and it's also very therapeutic for the baby.

Talk to your physician before planning to travel, while pregnant. Bring any prenatal medical records, just in case.

Pregnant women should never change the litter in the cat box. Toxoplasmosis is a risk for pregnant women that you can contract from contact with cat litter. Cats host the toxoplasmosis infection, and if it passes to an unborn fetus it can cause stillbirths, birth abnormalities, and miscarriages.

Be certain to properly care for your teeth while pregnant. Hormones secreted during pregnancy can cause swelling or bleeding in gums when you floss or brush your teeth. Try brushing with a softer toothbrush and continue flossing, but do it gentler.

From this advice, you have a little bit more knowledge about ways to keep yourself as healthy as possible and also things you should avoid. When you are healthy, so is the little one growing inside you. Keep the tips you have learned here in mind, and you will ensure a healthier and more enjoyable pregnancy.

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