Saturday, 28 July 2012

Great Tips For A Happy, Healthy Baby!

Even seasoned mothers often have difficulty adjusting to the strain of physical changes from pregnancy, combined with the preparations for welcoming a new baby into the existing family. Some well-tested advice can make pregnancy easier to manage. The common sense advice in the article below may be just what you need to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Call your doctor if you think your water has broken. Many women experience such confusion, so don't be embarrassed. If your water has indeed broken, it is important to deliver the baby soon to prevent infection.

Avoid all alcohol when pregnant. The alcohol you ingest also goes through your placenta and into your fetus, causing a myriad of possible health problems. As such, those who are pregnant or intend to become pregnant soon should abstain from alcohol entirely. The alcohol that the fetus absorbs can cause birth defects and will raise your risk of a miscarriage or premature birth.

Swimming is one activity that you should consider continuing while pregnant. You may be shy about getting in a bathing suit well into pregnancy, but the benefits that swimming provides are well worth it. The body will feel weightless when in water, and this sensation is wonderfully productive for reducing joint pains and stress. Swimming gets you safely active for your health.

For pregnant women that are in their 3rd trimester, it is advisable to sleep on their left side. It allows your baby to get the greatest blood supply possible, and also allows optimal blood flow to the uterus and kidneys. Stay off your back if you can help it, because this position can affect circulation in the last trimester.

There are certain foods that you should not eat when you're pregnant because they could harm your baby. Unpasteurized milk, raw seafood and some cheeses are best left alone until after your baby is born.

Pelvic tilts are a great way to reduce the lower back pain associated with pregnancy. What you have to do is literally involve your body by getting into cow (lowered back position) and cat (knees and hands raised back position). You can get some serious relief from these tilts. It can even help get your baby in the ideal position for birth.

Take some "me" time. Once you give birth, your life will suddenly get even more complicated than it is now, and you will not have a lot of time to devote to pampering yourself. Take the time to see friends, get manicures, or simply work on the hobbies and activities you enjoy. You will feel much better, and so will your unborn child.

Be sure that you understand what all the indications of a premature labor are. This will enable you to touch base with your doctor quickly if you experience similar signs.

Insomnia is a common problem for pregnant women. Taking magnesium supplements may help you to relax, and will relieve those leg cramps that could be keeping you up at night.

When you become pregnant, it is vital to take the time and put in the effort to educate yourself. There is a great deal of vital information you need to know, and the more knowledgeable you are about your condition, the more prepared and relaxed you'll feel. Familiarizing yourself with each of the stages of pregnancy, along with what you can expect during each one, can reduce any fear or stress you have about your condition.

Eat first, visit the grocery store second. When you are expecting a baby, you will often crave foods that are not good for you. You can indulge every once in a while, but by and large you want your diet to be full of nutritious food that benefits you as well as your baby. When you are not hungry while grocery shopping, you will be much less likely to get items you didn't have listed.

As you have seen, pregnancy can be a time of great uncertainty about what is happening to your body and your growing child. The information from the above article is available to help you have a relaxing and stress free pregnancy.

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