Saturday, 14 July 2012

Tips For A Healthy And Happy Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a joyous experience but many people find that they have negative effects such as nausea, heartburn, backaches and nighttime leg cramps. There are certain habits you can adopt to help your body go through this. Take a few minutes to read and enjoy this helpful article.

Do not change your cat's litter when pregnant. Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection that can be passed to a pregnant woman through handling cat feces. Cats are carriers of toxoplasmosis, and if you become infected, it can be passed to your unborn child, resulting in possible birth defects, miscarriage or stillbirth.

Create a bedtime routine that allows you to relax. This makes it easier to fall asleep, which can be unusually difficult for some pregnant women. The routine should promote a calm, relaxed attitude. Help yourself to feel more ready for bed by drinking caffeine-free tea or a taking a warm bath.

It is advised that pregnant women wear sports bras. A sports bra will give additional support for your breasts and will help with aches and pains in them as well. On addition, you will want to wear looser undergarments in the stomach and waist areas. It can cut off oxygen to the baby and also cause discomfort for you.

Pregnancy is not a time to overeat; it will make it harder to lose weight after your baby is born. There is no need to eat double the amount of food just because you are expecting. An additional 250 calories per each day should be sufficient during the final six months and will ensure proper nutrition for you and the child.

Adequate iron is essential during pregnancy. If you are not getting enough iron, you might get fatigue and your baby could have a low weight. Take a prenatal supplement that contains iron, and eat foods that are high in iron, such as spinach or red meat.

Be sure that you understand what all the indications of a premature labor are. Read about this situation, so you can be prepared in case it happens to you.

If you are planning to get pregnant, you should first see your physician for a checkup. It is a good idea to have a checkup with your doctor before you try to get pregnant, to make sure you are in good health and don't have any problems that might cause problems. If there are changes he suggests or things to do differently, then you can make them now, so you have the best chance of getting pregnant.

Be careful about pressures on your body when you sleep during pregnancy. Provide your body with the necessary support. Pregnancy pillows that hug your entire body can be purchased at a wide variety of stores. In case you do not own a pillow like this, a regular pillow can be used for support. Try a pillow beneath your knee and another below your lower back.

Talk to your physician before planning to travel, while pregnant. Bring any prenatal medical records, just in case.

Pregnant women should never change the litter in the cat box. Toxoplasmosis is a risk for pregnant women that you can contract from contact with cat litter. Cats host the toxoplasmosis infection, and if it passes to an unborn fetus it can cause stillbirths, birth abnormalities, and miscarriages.

Be certain to properly care for your teeth while pregnant. Hormones secreted during pregnancy can cause swelling or bleeding in gums when you floss or brush your teeth. Try brushing with a softer toothbrush and continue flossing, but do it gentler.

This article helped you understand what things you should and shouldn't do during pregnancy. You should follow the tips here given in order to take care of yourself and your unborn child. These tips can help you stay happy and healthy when you are expecting.

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