Thursday, 26 July 2012

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a little scary and overwhelming at times if someone does not know what to expect. In this article, you will learn more about the ups and downs of your pregnancy.

A good sports bras can be an important item in a pregnant woman's wardrobe. Sport bras give badly needed additional support to breasts and also cut down on aches and pains associated with carrying a child. Furthermore, do not wear underwear that is too tight around your waist. This can actually cut off the oxygen supply to your baby and cause you discomfort.

While human skin has elasticity, there is a limit to how much it can stretch. It is perfectly normal for the belly to itch as it is growing during pregnancy. Don't try taking a hot shower or bath to relieve the itchiness. Hot water will wipe away the natural oils on your skin and make it more dried out and itchy. You should use heavy lotions to moisturize, like petroleum jelly or cocoa butter, when you are pregnant. Get clothes that are loose fitting and resist the urge to scratch; try rubbing the itches with lotion instead.

You can discreetly avoid alcohol if you don't want to explain yet that you're pregnant. For example, tell people you're on medication. Many medications interact badly with alcohol, so people readily accept this excuse. Be prepared for people to ask what you're on medication for, though, especially if you say you're on antibiotics. Cranberry juice can pass for red wine. You can also just pretend to drink a glass of wine you are holding. If you're not sharing your pregnancy with others, make sure that your partner knows that you're not sharing the information yet.

During pregnancy, you may have heartburn. Chocolate, citrus fruits or juices, carbonated drinks, and spicy, fried or fatty foods can all be causes of heartburn.

You should have prenatal care before your pregnancy. The sooner a medical professional is consulted, the better the reduction in chances of infant mortality, among other serious concerns.

You should have prenatal care before your pregnancy. Early prenatal care can prevent infant mortality, low birth weight, congenital birth defects and premature birth.

Do not smoke or drink any alcohol while you are carrying a child, so you can ensure your baby is okay. Certain habits, like drugs, alcohol and smoking, can cause dangerous effects to you and your baby. Therefore, make sure to stay away from these habits and eat healthily during your pregnancy.

Pregnant women should sleep on their left side during their third trimester. Sleeping in this position gives the fetus the best supply of blood and it allows the blood to easily go to your uterus and kidneys. Avoid positioning yourself flat on your back, as that specific sleeping position hinders proper blood flow.

There are certain foods that you should not eat when you're pregnant because they could harm your baby. Do not eat soft cheese, unpasteurized milk, or raw seafood.

When you're pregnant, you may have a lot of swelling. Try to lower the amount of salt you consume.

During pregnancy, you must put in the time and effort to become as knowledgeable as possible. There are many things that you can learn about pregnancy, and the more things that you know about it, the better it will be for you. Understanding each stage of pregnancy enables you to know what is normal and expected. Knowledge of the process will alleviate stress and anxiety.

Many moms-to-be aren't fully sure of the best way to take care of themselves during pregnancy. As society gains more knowledge on the subject, what's best practice tends to change. However, if you bring to bear the sensible advice in this article, you will have made a major contribution to your health, your baby's health, and the enjoyment of your pregnancy.

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